Largest Provider of Commercial Smalltalk
Cincom is one of the largest commercial providers of Smalltalk, with twice as many customers and partners as other commercial providers.
Tom Nies
AR-CAD developed its own CAD offering, “freeCAD: 3D CAD with Motion Simulation,” which had a graphical user interface. In 2005, that product would be adapted as a motion add-in for Alibre CAD. In 2010, a motion add-in was crafted for Inventor CAD, and one was also completed for Solidworks CAD. Additional advances were made in creating a motion add-in for SpaceClaim CAD, which also included other customized add-ins developed by AR-CAD. A die automation CAD was also created with VisualWorks. The code is open source at Multibody Dynamics is a complicated field. There are only about five software options available, and they were developed by large teams of programmers using Fortran or C++. I was able to develop one by myself using VisualWorks entirely.