Xtreams is Cincom Smalltalk’s modernizing streaming, providing more capability and solving some issues or inadequacies in streaming.
Xtreams is an enhancement to typical streaming, as well as a generalized stream/iterator framework that provides simple, unified API for reading from different kinds of sources and writing into different kinds of destinations including collections, sockets, files, pipes, etc.
Many of our new and existing features are built on this framework.
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Xtreams Xtreams is a new implementation of streams. Xtreams allow streaming over a wide range of sources and destinations, and performing “just-in-time” transformations by stacking streams on top of other streams […]...
Xtreams Xtreams is a new implementation of streams. Xtreams allow streaming over a wide range of sources and destinations, and performing “just-in-time” transformations by stacking streams on top of other streams […]...