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Here are some examples of applications created using Cincom Smalltalk:
Connecting to Facebook
Cincom has put together a basic Connection to the Facebook API. It’s available on an “as-is” basis, and should load cleanly into VW 7.6, VW 7.7, ObjectStudio 8.1, or ObjectStudio 8.2. Developers utilizing this code still need to visit the relevant Facebook pages and acquire the appropriate application credentials themselves. There’s a short summary page on the Facebook Developer Wiki as well.
To get started, login to the Public Store Repository and load the bundle named “FacebookBundle”. From there, you can have a look at the following screencasts to get started:
Getting Started
Working with the APIs
Connecting to Twitter
Cincom has put together a basic Connection to the Twitter API. It’s available on an “as-is” basis, and should load cleanly into VW 7.6, VW 7.7, ObjectStudio 8.1, or ObjectStudio 8.2. Developers utilizing this code still need to visit the relevant Twitter pages and acquire the appropriate application credentials themselves.
To get started, login to the Public Store Repository and load the package (not bundle) named “Twitter”. You can also download the parcel here. From there, you can have a look at the following screencast to get started:
Getting Started
Connecting to Google
Cincom has put together a basic Connection to the Google API – or more properly, to the (desktop) client authentication interface, with an example usage of a simple calendar interface call. Users can use this base to build up applications if their own in Cincom Smalltalk that target the Google API.
To get started, login to the Public Store Repository and load the package named “GoogleAuthClient”. From there, you can have a look at the following screencast to get started:
Using Google Client Authentication
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