Largest Provider of Commercial Smalltalk
Cincom is one of the largest commercial providers of Smalltalk, with twice as many customers and partners as other commercial providers.

Tom Nies

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JP Morgan


  • Leverage JP Morgan’s success, which is based on the time-to-market of new products.
  • Scale up products in the market to gain significant market share.


Provide a development environment that:
  • Accommodates the highly complex nature of JP Morgan’s derivative products.
  • Provides unparalleled productivity to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Has the scalability to be deployed to support extremely high trading volumes.

Solution: Cincom® VisualWorks®


  • The Smalltalk-developed Kapital system has enabled JP Morgan to be the market leader.
  • JP Morgan estimates that Smalltalk is three times more productive than other languages, which allows them to consistently beat the competition.
  • Revenues from the business that Kapital supports contribute an extraordinary percentage of JP Morgan’s total revenues.