This page provides an index of “interesting” packages/bundles in the Cincom Public Store Repository.
The word “interesting” here means that they have a comment, that the most recent version is not contained in a bundle, and that it neither has a a property #obsolete set to ‘true’, or a blessing level less than zero.
These are static HTML pages, and get indexed by google, and the site-specific search allows you to search in the comments and other information for these packages/bundles. The requirement for the phrase “PackageDescription” helps ensure that we weed out other pages from this site that aren’t part of this index.
Note that the list is purely alphabetical. Bundles have “(Bundle)” after the name, and you can search for bundles by including that term. This does not filter by date, since some interesting packages haven’t changed recently, but if you want things that are published recently you can try including the current year as a search criteria.
Components on the Distribution Examples WebInterfaces AppeX (Web framework) unsupported examples. Tools RBTabbedToolsets This adds visible tabs (much like an internet browser) to your refactoring browser, allowing fewer windows. ClassCloning Utility to clone a […]...
Cincom Smalltalk Store Repository Cincom makes the Open Repository available to all users of Cincom Smalltalk. The OR is a public Store Repository with a guest login thatlets anyone read it and load goodies […]...
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