First, on behalf of Cincom and Smalltalk developers everywhere, thank you for sharing work that will benefit Smalltalk developers and community members.
There are different places contributed work can be found:
The Cincom Smalltalk repository
Note: a login is needed to publish to the repository (contact the Cincom Smalltalk Product Team for login information)
The product distribution
Primarily for high value or frequently used contributed work
To help developers find, understand, appreciate, and utilize your contributed work, please use the following guidelines for the final documentation of your contributed work and contributed form submission.
Make the name, one-line-description, and full description, accurately reflect what it is and what it does.
The package and class descriptions should give information on what it is, what it does, and how to use it.
Examples: Please include example code to demonstrate, test, or start, the contributed work. Package and class descriptions are a good place for example code. Class-side example methods can be used also.
If possible, please note any restrictions, such as what platform it will work on or limitations that are helpful for a developer to know.
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