Our Road Map
With an open ear to our customers and the Smalltalk community, as well as our own engineering and support staff, we continue to make changes to our software.
Why People Choose Smalltalk
Developing applications with Cincom Smalltalk:
Cuts the complexities that complicate software development.
Accelerates potential for profitable growth.
Helps users create value at the lowest possible risk.
Assures the fastest return on investment.
Cincom Smalltalk Product Management Goals
- Keep improving and advancing our Smalltalk products:
New Operating Systems
Customer needs
Respond to customer needs through:
Help attract NEW users to Smalltalk
Cincom Smalltalk Product Management Themes
“Flow” is a state of mind where focus, productivity and performance go off the charts
Developers want to take Smalltalk to the next level, at flow state productivity
Experienced Smalltalk customers customize their environment, workbench tools, and application production to be exactly what they need for maximum effectiveness and productivity … Any new work should consider and accommodate:
The Browser
… You tell us!
Compatibility and Upgrading
Product Management position:
Reduce risk by being on modern, supported releases
Provide as much compatibility as makes sense while moving the product forward
Product Management mantra: If you make the customer change code, make the benefits clearly worth the investment
Cincom Smalltalk: Future Direction
Incremental improvements (Compatibility)
Infrastructure upgrades (Compatibility)
Respond to customer needs
Improve productivity
Improve API