The Productivity-Boosting Role that the Cincom SupportWeb Plays for Both Customers and Partners
The Cincom SupportWeb is something that we would like to bring to the attention of our customers and partners this month.
The following is a list of methods by which customers and partners can make good use of this helpful tool:
- Check the status of cases in a snap: Both customers and partners may easily see the open and closed cases associated with their accounts, as well as potential solutions that may already be at their disposal.
- The making of test cases: Creating a test case enables Cincom Support to better understand a customer’s or partner’s problem by assisting Support in re-creating the issue in our own environment. This allows Support to better grasp a customer’s or partner’s issue. These test cases also help in correctly explaining the problem, which enables Support to determine if they are on the same page as the customer or partner concerning the challenges they are facing. Cincom Support will also be able to test the customer or partner problem when subsequent updates are made available in order to verify that everything is still functioning properly.
- Information available at your beck and call: From the main page, both customers and partners will have the ability to make a request for a monthly technical status report. Customers and partners may also watch special announcements regarding the availability of new services or offerings through Cincom Support.
If you have any more inquiries, you can contact the Cincom Smalltalk Product Team at the following email address: