Have You Created a Cincom Smalltalk Add-on or Application that May Be Useful to Others?
If you have created something you think would be of value and interest to other Smalltalk developers or could help attract new users to Smalltalk, we want to know!
Cincom Smalltalk developers frequently create excellent tools, enhancements, frameworks, examples and applications and enjoy sharing them, receiving recognition for them and receiving feedback on how to improve them. In the Contributed Components section of our website, you can find:
- Highlights to these contributed items from customers, partners and users
- More detail for each item
- An organized and comprehensive home for the list of available contributed items
You can find these items on the Cincom Smalltalk Store Repository and the Contributed Components list on our website, which:
- Provides more visibility and usage of Contributed Items
- Allows these items to be more searchable and easier to find so that other developers can use them
- Provides potential for success stories, articles or Hidden Gems screencastsbeing developed for them
- Helps to give valuable exposure and further promote our users, their work and their applications to a much wider audience
To help developers find, understand, appreciate and utilize your contributed work, please use the guidelines for the final documentation of your contributed work here.
If you have created something you think would be of value and interest to other Smalltalk developers or could help attract new users to Smalltalk, please apply through the Contributed Application Form here.