Component of the Month: DomainMaster
DomainMaster is a framework that extends the power and concept of ValueModels, provides an API for applications much like the API for ValueModels and is a home for utilities and application standards.
Last month, we highlighted the TimeProfiler, which is used to profile the time and space usage of a Smalltalk process. The screencast, Hidden Gems: Introduction to the Performance Profiler, shows how to load the TimeProfiler, which can be found in the product.
This month, we are highlighting the DomainMaster, which is featured this month in the Cincom Smalltalk Digest. DomainMaster is a framework that extends the power and concept of ValueModels, provides an API for applications much like the API for ValueModels and is a home for utilities and application standards.
- If you would like more information about DomainMaster, you can view them on the Hidden Gems DomainMaster playlist here:
- If you would like the code for DomainMaster, please reach out to Arden Thomas at