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Why You Should Add Whatever and SymbolValue to Your Developer’s Toolkit

Posted on in Categories Hidden Gems, Resources, Smalltalk


Two components you should consider for your Developer’s Toolkit when using Cincom Smalltalk are Whatever and SymbolValue. Whatever is a type of “Universal” object and is available on the Cincom Smalltalk public repository. SymbolValue allows messaging shortcuts and has been integrated into the product for many releases, so it is no longer a contributed item.

In the new Hidden Gems screencast for this month, Arden Thomas, the Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager, goes into what each of these components are and how to use them.

This screencast is part of the Techniques Series, which shows various techniques of how to accomplish or solve different tasks using Cincom Smalltalk.

If you have questions, comments, ideas for other Smalltalk examples or suggestions for future Hidden Gems, please send an email to the Cincom Smalltalk Product Team at