Largest Provider of Commercial Smalltalk
Cincom is one of the largest commercial providers of Smalltalk, with twice as many customers and partners as other commercial providers.

Tom Nies

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French Software Developer Goes Global with Cincom Smalltalk™

With Cincom Smalltalk, EBC Informatique quickly enhances and improves TotalHorizon, while maintaining optimal pricing and providing customers with quick implementation.

Since 1994, Alsace-based EBC Informatique has developed and offered a new turnkey software package based on the company’s TotalHorizon product—an integrated sales management, production management, and accounting solution for small- and medium-sized businesses. Originally established in 1988 as a hardware distributor, EBC Informatique has diversified its business computer services and experienced continuous and rapid growth. The company has nearly1,000 customers in Alsace alone.
With Cincom #Smalltalk, EBC Informatique quickly enhances and improves TotalHorizon, while maintaining optimal pricing and providing customers with quick implementation. Ongoing prototyping, incorporation of reusable components into the product architecture, and modification of the interface without compromising the overall application are all provided through the development environment of Cincom Smalltalk.
Cincom® ObjectStudio® provides access to the leading commercial RDBMSs and enables the product architecture to be structured around reusable components, making a permanent adaptation of the solution simpler for customers. For example, the user interface can be modified without compromising the rest of the application, while other components available from Cincom (Workflow and Distributed Communications FrameWork) can be added with ease.
“Smalltalk and ObjectStudio are ideally suited to #management problems and have enabled us to build a true smallbusiness framework which we can re-utilize and tailor for each new customer context.” – EBC Informatique project manager
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