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What Are Scripted Image Builds and Why Are They Useful?

Posted on in Categories Smalltalk

Contribution from Arden Thomas, Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager

The purpose of the Hidden Gems Screencast is to give developers who use Cincom Smalltalk some valuable insight into the useful abilities of the products that may not be obvious.

In his blog, Robert Stroud, a Forrester Principal Analyst, wrote:

“In an era where velocity and agility are driving technology management organizations over simple cost reduction, every business must constantly evolve to drive business differentiation.” 

According to Stroud, cutting costs isn’t nearly as effective as changing things in your business that can improve speed and agility within your development operations. But, what are some things you can change to achieve this speed and agility?

In this month’s Hidden Gems Screencast, Arden demonstrates how to use a script to build, configure and save an image automatically. You can use scripts like this for building development images for the team, building product or just configuring your favorite setup. This technique is great for saving time and building an image in the same manner consistently.

Please watch the video below:

Please send feedback, comments and suggestions to Arden Thomas,