Hidden Gems Screencast Series
My role as product manager is to make them more obvious, but that doesn’t mean that I want developers to wait when they can benefit from them now.
Do you have any hidden gems or clever techniques that are really useful? Anything that you find very beneficial in the day-to-day use of the product is valuable. Later on we can expand the definition to a broader array of helpful ideas for improving the benefits and advantages of using Smalltalk such as tools, techniques and helper methods.
I welcome and encourage you to share! Send your hidden gems or clever techniques to athomas@cincom.com.
Credit will be given to contributors!
If I use your idea, you will be credited as the one who shared it for the benefit of the Smalltalk community.
The techniques I start with work in both of our Smalltalk products and are generally for Cincom® ObjectStudio® 8.6 and Cincom® VisualWorks® 8.0 and forward.
I hope you find the techniques to be valuable, welcomed contributions!
Arden Thomas
Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager
Hidden Gem: Browser
Hidden Gems: Browser, Part 2
Hidden Gems: Short and Simple