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Cincom ObjectStudio’s ProgressBarDialog

Posted on in Categories ObjectStudio, Smalltalk


  • No more primitives—100% Smalltalk code.
  • The code can be changed at any time.
  • Easier for support to send fixes to customers.
  • Customers can now overwrite or change the code to their liking.
  • Easy enhancements of features not yet implemented.


The ProgressBarDialog has more or less the same purpose as the MarqueeDialog we discussed last time.  It shows some simple animation while a larger process is being performed and the systems seem to be idle. However, with the ProgressBarDialog, we have a clear set of steps and we can show how the process is proceeding and how much of it is already processed.

This is what a typical ProgressBarDialog looks like that has two-thirds of the job finished.

Using this ProgressBarDialog in your application is very similar to using the MarqueeDialog.


To create a new ProgressBarDialog, you have the option of the following two methods:

createTitle: aString or createTitle: aString position: aPosition extent: anExtent in which aPosition and anExtent are Point objects.

When you use “ProgressBarDialog createTitle: ‘Loading Information …’”, you create a dialog that will appear at position 225@475 and with a size of 1160@350. It will look like this:

By using “ProgressBarDialog createTitle: ‘Loading Information …’ position: 400@800 extent: 1300@250,” you define where you want the dialog and the size of it. In this case, you get:


With the setRangeLower:upper:, you specify the starting and ending range of the progress bar for instance:

progressBar setRangeLower: 0 upper: myCollectionSize.


The step: method tells the progress bar how much it should proceed after each step of the process is executed.

progressBar step: 1.


opens the progress bar dialog.


sending stepIt to the progress bar increments the progress of the bar with the quantity defined with the step: method.


closes the progress bar dialog.


| coll dialog |
coll := self doSomeWorkAndReturnACollection.
dialog := ProgressBarDialog createTitle: ‘Work in progress…’.
 setRangeLower: 0 upper: coll size;
step: 1.
dialog open.
coll do: [:each |
            dialog stepIt.
            self doSomeWorkUsing: each
dialog close.