ObjectStudio’s MarqueeDialog
- No more primitives—100% Smalltalk code.
- The code can be changed at any time.
- It makes it easier for Support to send fixes to customers.
- Customers can now overwrite or change the code to their liking.
- Easy enhancements of features not yet implemented.
The MarqueeDialog is the first widget we would like to focus on. The marquee is a bar that shows some simple animation while a larger process is being performed, and the system seems to be idle. The marquee shows you that the system is working, so you don’t need to panic. Unlike a typical progress bar, the marquee style does not show you how much of the task is complete. It’s useful to indicate activity when you don’t have a clear set of steps from start to finish.
A typical example of a marquee is:
Using this marquee dialog in your application is actually very simple.
To create a new MarqueeDialog, you have the option of the following two methods:
- createTitle: aString, or
- createTitle: aString position: aPosition extent: anExtent in which aPosition and anExtent are Point objects.
When you use “MarqueeDialog createTitle: ‘Database Query’,” you create a dialog that will appear at position 225@475 and with a size of 1160@350. It will look like this:
By using “MarqueeDialog createTitle: ‘Database Query’ position: 400@800 extent: 1300@250.”, you define where you want the dialog and the size of it. In this case you get:
Once you have a MarqueeDialog instance, you can send it the “showWhile:
marquee := MarqueeDialogcreateTitle: 'Database Query'position: 400@800extent: 1300@250.marquee showWhile:[self someTimeConsumingCode]
As long as the code in the showWhile block is executing, the marquee dialog animation will be shown. When the code execution finishes, the dialog will close.