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Call for Participation in the Smalltalk Devroom at FOSDEM 2012

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FOSDEM 2012, Europe’s biggest free and non-commercial event, will be meeting in Brussels, Belgium on February 4-5, and a Devroom for Pharo, Squeak, GST, Etoilé, Seaside and Moose Smalltalk projects will take place on Sunday, February 5 from 9:00 a.m until 5:00 p.m. in room AW1.126.

Proposals on content and format are welcome, and anyone interested in running a session can contact the Devroom organizers via the Smalltalk-Devroom mailing list ( The room has 72 seats, a VGA video projector and wireless internet.

Please submit the following information:

  • Your name
  • The project you are associated with
  • A short bio, which will be put on the website
  • A picture of yourself (optional)
  • The title of your session, which will go on the website and in the booklet
  • An abstract that describes the session in more detail
  • The intended length of the session. (Some of the suggested durations include 25 minutes and 55 minutes.
    Please consider possible conflicts with other Devroom sessions as well as your travel arrangements.)
  • The desired time slot in which you would like to hold the session

The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2011 at 23:00 GMT+1.

Devroom-related URLs include:

Smalltalk environments offer very high development productivity that’s unmatched. Come and do some pair programming, and experience the advantages of a real OO environment.

More information will be available at a later date.