FAST Press Release On Smalltalks 2010
On Friday, October 22, FAST sent out this email on Smalltalks 2010:
Este año, la Fundacion Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST) ofrecera una cierta
cantidad de asistencia financiera para asistir a la conferencia. Para
poder acceder a este beneficio, se requiere vivir en Argentina, tener
una situacion economica que amerite la asistencia, y haber enviado una
propuesta de charla a la conferencia.El monto del beneficio dependera de la cantidad de solicitantes y del
cronograma. Aquellos que esten interesados, por favor enviennos un
email a los docentes y alumnos de universidades publicas, por favor
contactarse con Esteban Lorenzano,, les recordamos que la fecha limite para enviar propuestas de
charlas vence en estos proximos dias. Nos vemos en la conferencia!———————————————————————————————-
This year, the Fundacion Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST) will be able to
offer some degree of assistance to attend the conference. In order to
qualify for this support, it is necessary to live in Argentina, to
reasonably justify the need for assistance, and to have submitted a talk
proposal to the conference.The amount available to those that qualify will depend on the number of
beneficiaries, as well as on the conference’s schedule. If you are
interested, please send us an email at university students and faculty members, please contact Esteban
Lorenzano at, please keep in mind that the talk proposal deadline will expire
in the next few days. See you at the conference!