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Cincom is one of the largest commercial providers of Smalltalk, with twice as many customers and partners as other commercial providers.

Tom Nies

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Smalltalk Digest: September Edition

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Cincom Smalltalk Summer 2010 Release

The latest releases of the Cincom Smalltalk suite are out: Cincom ObjectStudio® 8.2.1, Cincom VisualWorks® 7.7.1, and Cincom WebVelocity™ 1.1. There’s a fair amount of new stuff, even though this is a point release. Click here for more information.

ESUG Wrap-up

Another successful ESUG Conference was held in Barcelona, Spain, on September 13-17. Click here to view a collection of post-conference materials.

Smalltalks 2010: FAST Forward to the Future

The Fundacion Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST) proudly invites you to participate in the fourth edition of one of the most exciting Smalltalk conferences around—Smalltalks 2010, which will be held on November 11-13 at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, in Concepción del Uruguay. Click here for more details.

Dr. Adele Goldberg Honored at Annual Women in Technology International Hall of Fame Awards

Five honorees were nominated and recognized during this ceremony including Sandy Carter of IBM, Dr. Ruth David of Analytic Services, Inc., Dr. Susie Wee of Hewlett Packard, Dr. Ruth Westheimer and Smalltalk’s own Dr. Adele Goldberg. Click here to read more about the ceremony.

PARC Turns 40!

A premier source of innovation and scientific research for technology companies, PARC (the Palo Alto Research Center), is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Click here to read more.


Developer of Namespaces Implementation Accepted in Google Summer of Code 2010

Germán Leiva was accepted in Google Summer of Code 2010 and developed a Namespaces implementation for Pharo Smalltalk. To view a video that’s based on his ESUG presentation, click here. To get the code, click here.

New Mexico Highlands University Offers Professor Position

New Mexico Highlands University is looking to hire a professor to support their undergraduate (BS) and graduate (MS) degree programs in software-driven systems design. Click here to learn more about the position as well as job requirements.

Cincom Smalltalk Community Blogs

There are many blogs run by the Cincom Smalltalk Group now. Check them out by clicking here.

Smalltalk News Roundup

There’s been quite a bit of Smalltalk news lately. Click here to read all about it.

Running WebVelocity™ in the Amazon Cloud

Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager, Arden Thomas, is happy to share two videos that he unfortunately didn’t have time to share at ESUG 2010. The videos demonstrate exactly what setup is needed to configure and use WebVelocity in the Amazon cloud, both for development and deployment, including load balancing. Click here for video 1, and click here for video 2.

Smalltalks 2010 — 4th Argentinian Smalltalk Conference — November 11-13, 2010

Smalltalks 2010, the 4th Argentinian Smalltalk Conference, will be held at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Rios, Argentina) on November 11-13, 2010. Click here for more details.

Update on Smalltalk Events

Click here for an update on Smalltalk-related events you may want to attend.