Silt is a blog server implementation for VisualWorks 7.x. The SSP files needed by the server are in the directory <sources>.
NOTE: use in Cincom® VisualWorks® 7.10.1 and earlier is recommended.
Silt will load in Cincom VisualWorks 8.0 and later but may need upgrading to work well there. (The untimely death of James Robertson, its creator, and champion, means this will only happen if another champion steps forward from the community.)
Silt was written by James Robertson with occasional contributions from Steve Kelly.
To load Silt, download the archive and expand the parcels to a location visible to your image. Check your image can see the WebToolkit parcel (in more recent releases, this requires that the optional Web Application Server (Legacy) component be installed). Connect to the Cincom Open Repository, then load the Silt parcel (then update the parcel to the latest version in the repository if desired). Some Undeclareds can be cleared by loading Client-Tools (and other packages from the bundle Blog-Tools) if desired (be aware that prereqs of some Blog-Tools packages may be ill-suited to Cincom® VisualWorks® 8.0 or later images).
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